We did a slight redesign to our website to take care of those who had trouble with the Flash site loading. We added a mirror site in html, which should load rapidly. Special thanks to Chad Jackson of
Pingstorm for getting this done. As with most sites, video takes a bit of patience to view. Usually the best thing to do is to click on the link of the video you want to view, then hit the pause button to allow the video to load about 1/2 way. This should give you enough buffer so the play head doesn't catch up. Remember that bandwidth is King and if you have a lot of demand on your server the bandwidth will drop and so will the playability (is that even a word?). Now... watching HD can be a little different. HD usually takes longer to load because there is so much more image data, which is why HD looks so good. If you visit our site or even a competitor's site have a little patience while trying to watch the video. As always, we encourage you to request a DVD demo or come into our studio.
We can run some HD through our Apple TV for you to watch.
We are getting close to our busy season kickoff and are very excited. We have a new site that we will be announcing very soon. As soon as we are close to going live, we will announce the name and site location. We look forward to some exciting things in the future. We have an interesting shoot in May and will probably put some photos up first and then the video will follow.
We have been busy networking with some of the nations top wedding videographers, sharing ideas and really hoping to raise the level of the video / film experience.