Yesterday we spent Memorial Day with John's parents in Plainfield IN. We wanted to see them before we left for our exciting adventure to Colorado. While getting ready to head out I thought I should call my sister-in-law Amanda to see what she was up to. Just about that time the phone rang and it was Amanda. She wanted to see us as well and wanted to verify what time we would be coming out. I just don't see Emma (2yrs) and Jack (3 mo) as often as I would like so I was so happy to find out we would get to spend the day with them.
Emma is just as cute as a button. She is so sweet and very smart. I am amazed by her vocabulary. She can't say Jennifer so she calls me Jenna. And she is always telling John, "John see you". Her favorite word right now is Eeka bo bo. She just made it up and loves to say it. John thinks we should have T-shirts made. She loves playing with all our kids.
Well yesterday, as the girls were getting ready to take Emma outside to play, Uncle John said the "P" word. You know PARK. So John, Bria and I scooped up Emma and away we went. I think it was a nice break for Amanda to get a little rest since Jack was finally asleep after being very fussy all day.
We had a blast. We played on the swings, the slide, the marry-go-round, the swings some more, the slide again, the swings , the slide, the swings... and then BOOM!! The swing attacked Emma and hit her in the head. She didn't cry at all which I was very suprised by the goose egg on her forehead. Lucky for Emma she was fine. We went on the marry-go-round one last time, and boy did John spin us fast. Emma was so dizzy she couldn't even walk straight and she kept laughing.
I am so glad I was able to spend the day with Emma, and Jack too. Amanda and I have decided to make regular playdates so the kids can spend more time together. Before we know it they will be all grown-up. I want them to get to know their cousins and have a close relationship with them.