We were gone all last week to the Video 08 Convention in Orlando Florida. Doesn't the site of the palm trees just make you want warmer weather? The weather was fantastic and the temp was 70 to 75 degrees! Windows down, sunroof open and the radio on.
We had a great time honing our skills and learned from some of the best in the business. The likes of Joshua Smith of Cinematic Bride, and Jason Magbanua of Jason Magbanua Films,
and Chris Jones of Mason Jar Films.
It was so inspiring to talk with these guys and share ideas and to learn from each other in order to stay on the cutting edge of wedding cinematography. We discussed not only the technical issues but the personal side of what we do and how we are given one of the most important jobs of documenting the wedding day. Joshua Smith shared that he was in Mexico on a shoot and for the Bride and Groom it was a very trying day. It was supposed to be an outdoor wedding and it rained and then during the reception it was discovered that many of the guests rooms had been broken into and over $200,000 in jewelry had been stolen. There were some tense moments as some of the workers had threatened to throw the guests in jail because they were lying about what happened. Things calmed down and everyone returned home safely. The Bride was later interviewed by news media in the States and she said that they stole thousands of dollars in jewelry but they did not steal the memories we have on video and in photos.
We were already excited about what is ahead of us for 2008 but we are even more pumped and have so many things in the works to share with you. We can hardly stand it. Every day Jen and I meet and discuss idea after idea of shots we want to get for a certain couple and specific music scores for another couple and concept videos for another couple...we lay awake at night thinking of ideas as well.
We will introduce you to something we are doing this year and it is really kind of edgy but it will push the envelope of creativity.

Here is Jen just thinking about the 15 degree temps back home.

John getting some editing done poolside.
We flew back to Indy on Friday to find that the Earth was a frosty white! The conference was very valuable for us and we met some great friends but it is good to be home.
We had a shoot downtown today for an engagement shoot. We will get that and some other videos posted soon.
John and Jennifer