Sunday, June 22, 2008

Patrick & Tiffany - Our Story

Patrick & Tiffany - Our Story from Northernlight Filmworks on Vimeo.
HIGH DEFINITION VERSION: Patrick and Tiffany in HD

We had such a wonderful experience getting to know Patrick and Tiffany. They are from Kentucky and we talked on the phone a few times and then met them in Louisville to film an engagement video we did for them, which they used as a Save The Date video. Producing a Love Story video give us more of an opportunity to connect with our couples and we really enjoy learning some of the back stories. This particular video was shown at their rehearsal party and we have also shown these at receptions as a way of introducing the Bride and Groom to each others family and friends.

Patrick and Tiffany are one of the most sincere people that we have met. They both have incredible parents and an abundance of faith that we really admire.

The wedding was held at Grace Fellowship Church in Morganfield, Kentucky on June 7, 2008 and the reception was at Camp Breckinridge Museum & Art Center. Camp Breckinridge was a really cool place and amazing story behind it. The short story is that it was a prison for German prisoners during WWII. One particular prisoner loved to paint and the Officers of the Camp asked that he do some artwork to spruce up the Officers Club a bit. The artwork was covered up with a wall fabric for a period of time and the building sat vacant for years. The building was restored and during the restoration, the artwork was discovered and research began on the origins of the artwork.

Thank you to Patrick and Tiffany and their family and friends for their hospitality while we were there.

John and Jennifer Moon


Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd ever seen a Save the Date video before, what an awesome idea! Very cool, and great choice of music at the end

Anonymous said...

great story!!! thanks for sharing :)