Monday, February 9, 2009

LeAnn and David - Indianapolis Wedding

LeAnn & David from Northernlight Filmworks on Vimeo.
This was a beautiful wedding we filmed for LeAnn and David. A great couple and a great family. This was a memorable wedding for us since we filmed their engagement shoot, the rehearsal dinner and then the wedding. The rehearsal dinner was more like a wedding reception and the guests had a great time. The dinner was held at the Woodstock Country Club.

We filmed this in high definition and you will also see a section where we shot Super 8 film. Primarily this was when LeAnn was getting ready. We worked with Wedding Planner Casey Scott of Etcetera, who did a remarkable job. Andrew Scalini was the photographer.

The wedding was held at St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Indianapolis and the reception was at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, one of our favorite places to shoot.

This edit is an example of our long version highlights. These do take longer to edit because of the focus in building the edit to tell the story of the wedding within about a 20 minute window. There is also several hours involved in color grading each clip.

The most memorable part of this wedding for us was the speech that LeAnn's father gave. It was moving and emotional. We love witnessing the families and how they recall the important memories. It's not the "stuff" but the things you do with each other. The moments that seem suspended in time until you come back to retrieve them.

John and Jennifer Moon
"Don't forget the story of who you are"

1 comment:

Northernlight Filmworks said...

Here is a direct e-mail we received from LeAnn and David.

"Hi John and Jennifer,

My mom forwarded me the link for the highlight reel on your website. THANK YOU SO MUCH! It is absolutely beautiful and more than David and I expected. I am just so thankful to you. It has all of our favorite moments in it and it is beautifully put together. I was so excited to see parts of the rehearsal dinner in it as well! We just couldn't be happier with it. Thank you so much again. It really brought back that whole weekend!

LeAnn (Fankhauser) and David Gustin"