Thursday, February 15, 2007

Snow Snow Snow

There I was in the warmth of the studio editing a recent wedding. A peck on the door and its Jennifer all bundled up (that's her in the photo). I can see her through the glass motioning for me to come to the door and asked me to come out and play. That's a hard to resist invitation. Something about snow just brings out the kid in me. Our chocolate Lab Tucker was so excited that we were outside in the snow with him. Our yellow Lab Sydney remained inside and was fine just watching. We had about 18-20 inches of snow. If its going to be cold outside I would rather there be snow on the ground. But I did find myself daydreaming about our annual trip to North Topsail Island.

Jennifer and myself took a hike around our property. The snow was up to our knees. We felt like we were on a nordic expedition. Tucker had to hop through the snow.

Hope to see you at our next bridal show at Valle Vista Country Club in Greeenwood, IN.


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