Sunday, February 24, 2008

Desiree + Kyle Part II

Desiree + Kyle - Part II from Northernlight Filmworks on Vimeo.

Desiree indicated that she really like 60's music and specifically the Beatles. We took out the original song that we selected for this e-shoot and added the new song. This just goes to show you how much of a role music scores add to film or video. Watch them both and even though the footage is exactly the same, the feel of the piece is slightly different. (Version I is on a previous post below)

We spend hours every week researching music so that we will know where to turn for the right moment. I'm a big fan of the Indie music scene. Partly because many of them are unknown and there is a certain amount of satisfaction in finding an unknown artist that people haven't heard yet.

John and Jennifer

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