We will be attending Re:Frame08 this coming October in New Orleans. We are excited to be a part of the new era of videographers. We totally believe in the Re:Frame vision, and here it is:
"Re:Frame is a community of storytellers who came together in 2007 with a clear vision: that being an event filmmaker is pretty freak'n cool, and it's about damn time we have a movement that relfects that. Through various forms of community, Re:Frame will continually find, develop and promote an exclusive list of filmmakers who will be messengers of event filmmaking to a world that longs to re:live the emotion, passion, and joy of life."
Re:fine your talent
Re:new your spirit
Re:fresh your mind
This year, we will be announcing some new concepts at Northernlight to keep event filmmaking new, engaging and dynamic and more importantly memorable for our clients. Re:Frame will certainly be a collaborative event and we are looking forward to doing some shooting in the French Quarter. I have had an interest in photography from an early age and Re:Frame08 will be in conjunction with ImageX. ImageX will have 10 of the nations top photographers present for workshops. So I will be hauling my Nikon with me. I had a discussion with one of our other shooters and we were discussing photography this week. Staying close to photography makes you a better filmmaker. You have to pay particular attention to exposure, lighting, speed, frame, and composition. Just like being a good shooter makes you a better editor and being a good editor makes you a better videographer, they all feed off of each other.
We really can't wait to introduce you to some of the new things we will be doing this year, so stay tuned to the blog.
John and Jennifer
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